Awakening The Kind Heart: How To Meditate On Compassion

Book Summary

Everyone appreciates kindness. A smile, a few friendly words, a show of concern when we're troubled or feeling unwell, an offer of help - gestures of kindness like these brighten our day and ease whatever sadness we may feel in our hearts. And just as we appreciate other people being kind to us, others appreciate it when we are kind to them. But thought kindness is important, it doesn't always come easily: sometimes we are filled with anger, jealousy, or pride, and being kind is the last thing we feel like doing. Or we get so caught up in our work and responsibilities that we find no time to think of others. Kathleen McDonald introduces two powerful methods for awakening the kind heart in us all. The first is the practice of the four immeasurable thoughts - love, compassion, joy, and equanimity. The second method is thought transformation, a beautiful practice based on a short, eight-verse text that is an exemplary guide to living compassionately.

Book Details

Book Name Awakening The Kind Heart: How To Meditate On Compassion
Author Kathleen Mcdonald
Publisher Wisdom Publications (ma) (May 2010)
ISBN 9780861716951
Pages 152
Language English
Price 581

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