Beyond Dogma: Dialogues And Discourses

Book Summary

Beyond Dogma presents a record of a 1993 visit to France by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, recipient of the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize and the world's most prominent Buddhist leader. During a series of public lectures and question-and-answer sessions with political activists, religious leaders, students, scientists, Buddhist practitioners, and interfaith organizations, His Holiness responds to a wider range of contemporary social, political, and religious issues. Topics include the practice of Buddhism in the West; nonviolence, human rights, and the Tibetan crisis; ecumenical approaches to spirituality; the meeting of Buddhism and science; and more.

Book Details

Book Name Beyond Dogma: Dialogues And Discourses
Author Dalai Lama, Bstan-'dzin-rgy, Marianne Dresser
Publisher North Atlantic Books (06/1996)
ISBN 9781556432187
Pages 248
Language English
Price 530

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