Buddhism In Canada

Book Summary

Buddhism has become a major religion in Canada over the last half-century. The "ethnic Buddhism" associated with immigrant Asian peoples is the most important aspect, but there is also a growing constituency of Euro-Canadian Buddhists seriously interested in the faith. This book analyzes the phenomenon of Buddhism in Canada from a regional perspective, providing a review of the history of Buddhism and an analysis of its current situation in the provinces and in three major metropolitan areas. The work provides an important examination of the place of Buddhism in a developed western country associated with a traditional Judeo-Christian culture, but a country nonetheless undergoing profound sociological transformation due in no small part to large-scale immigration and religio-cultural pluralism. Buddhism has become a major religion in Canada over the last half-century. The 'ethnic Buddhism' associated with immigrant Asian people is the most important aspect, but there is also a growing constituency of Euro-Canadian Buddhists seriously interested in the faith. This insightful study analyzes the phenomenon of Buddhism in Canada from a regional perspective. The work provides an important examination of the place of Buddhism in a developed western country associated with a traditional Judeo-Christian culture, but undergoing profound sociological transformation due to large-scale immigration and religio-cultural pluralism. It is a valuable text for students of religion, Buddhism and North American Studies.

Book Details

Book Name Buddhism In Canada
Author Bruce Matthews
Publisher Routledge (Apr 2006)
ISBN 9780415322799
Pages 170
Language English
Price 8198

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