
Taming The Tiger: Tibetan Teachings On Right Conduct, Mindfulness, And Universal Compassion

Book Summary

Taming the tiger of the mind is a necessary step on the path to personal growth and self-mastery. With wit and wisdom, Akong Tulku Rinpoche teaches how to confront and subdue the ceaseless mental chatter within. True peace, he explains, may be achieved through a practical program for cultivating awareness and bringing the spiritual into everyday life. Only then may we find the sort of happiness that also brings happiness to others. The author explores the pitfalls that result from our habits of thought. He discusses such things as motivation and compassion and how one can aspire to right conduct through the practice of mindfulness.An introductory guide to using the key concepts of Tibetan Buddhism in everyday life. Includes a series of practical exercises by which to change our patterns of living and thinking. Practiced consistently, these can provide a basis for self-knowledge, mind therapy, and self-healing.1967, Akong Tulku Rinpoche and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche (author of Meditation in Action) founded the Kagyu Samye Ling Tibetan Centre in Scotland, the oldest Tibetan Buddhist center in theWest.

Book Details

Book Name Taming The Tiger: Tibetan Teachings On Right Conduct, Mindfulness, And Universal Compassion
Author Akong Tulku Rinpoche, Akong, Akong Tulku Rinpoche
Publisher Inner Traditions International (Nov 1995)
ISBN 9780892815692
Pages 208
Language English
Price 472

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