Tesoro De Contemplacion: El Modo De Vida Del Bodhisatva

Book Summary

Many people have the compassionate wish to benefit others, but few understand how to accomplish this successfully in daily life. Bodhisattvas are friends of the world, who have such strong compassion that they are able to transform all their daily activities into ways of benefiting others. The path of the Bodhisattva was exquisitely explained in the universally loved poem "Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life" by the the 8th century master Shantideva. With this commentary, the full effectiveness and profundity of this wonderful poem are revealed in full and made applicable for our time. This practical handbook is essential for those wishing to follow a Bodhisattva's way of life."Muchas personas tienen el deseo compasivo de beneficiar a los demas, pero pocas saben como ponerlo en practica en la vida diaria. Los Bodhisatvas son amigos del mundo y su compasion es tan intensa que pueden beneficiar a los demas en todas sus actividades diarias. El camino del Bodhisatva fue revelado en el universalmente admirado poema Guia de las obras del Bodhisatva, escrito por el maestro del siglo VIII Shantideva. En este comentario se muestra la efectividad y profundidad de este maravilloso poema aplicandolo al mundo moderno. Este practico manual es fundamental para aquellos que deseen seguir el modo de vida del Bodhisatva."

Book Details

Book Name Tesoro De Contemplacion: El Modo De Vida Del Bodhisatva
Author Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Gueshe Kelsang Gyatso, Mariana Libano
Publisher Tharpa Publications (May 2003)
ISBN 9788493314804
Pages 444
Language Spanish
Price 1388

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