The Discourses Of Lord Buddha

Book Summary

The Buddha, Christ and Gandhi - the great three are universally regarded as harbingers of harmony, compassion and peace, the first of whom is once again being revived in modern times to sort out the present day problems of unprecedented violence and terror - the Holy Dalai Lama being one powerful expression of his message and piety. His was history's first religion of peace which spread all over Asia, including its western regions, without any use of force, and holds its lamp in the East in particular till date. Latest researches in Germany are succeeding in establishing that Jesus Christ was one in the Bodhisattva tradition, who not only stayed and studied in India when he young, but returned to Kashmir after his crucifixion in which he did not die and escaped with his followers to Srinagar, where he lived till age 90, and where his tomb still quietly stands. The discourses of Lord Buddha for the common reader worldwide as well as the increasing group of devotees are presented here; the "Sutta" or A Bunch of Sutras ably translated from the Pali by V.Fausball, is one of the oldest collections which gives you not glimpses of life in those times but a closeness with the great man himself, hearing his melodious voice and walking just behind him. Its illustrations are based on the famous Ajanta cave paintings, the first artistic expression of Lord Buddha's life and philosophy and rare pics related to him from all over the world. The background on back cover is a pic of the land, excavated in 2005, over which the Buddha walked and Asoka built ten stupas, noted by Huen Tsang in his travel notes.

Book Details

Book Name The Discourses Of Lord Buddha
Author V. Fausball
Publisher Lotus Press (publishers & Distributors) (2010)
ISBN 9788183822039
Pages 221
Language English
Price 225

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