The Nepal Discourses

Book Summary

The best part about "The Nepal Discourses" is that Bhuddha himself wrote it Hard to believe it, but this may be true, in light of today's enlightenment technologies and intelligent discourses with ascended beings But more importantly, you can tell it was written by Lord Bhuddha himself, because in no way does it reflect the values and truths of Lord Bhuddha more truthfully than in these texts contained in "The Nepal Discourses." This book is a work of art from page one through page 48. It has more wisdom contained in it than all the Vedic scriptures put together, and if the Rig Veda has any contribution to the matter at hand, it simply is obvious that the Rig Veda was written by another deity or purpose than the tenets contained in this document, and that is saying a lot "The Nepal Discourses" contains truths inherent in a being of great magnificent benevolence and awareness, and it is expressed with great dignity and reserve. The fact that it is in a book of miniscule size and number of pages, is a testament to the fact that "less is more," and in the words of Mark Twain, if he had had more time, Lord Bhuddha could have made it even shorter And Mark Twain wrote long books. I would imagine that Lord Bhuddha has had significant time to distill his final thoughts on life and love of being and human kind This book resonates with a quality that is above and beyond gentleness and kindness of spirit and it is one that rejoices in the ability to express life as he sees it rather than as he was "instructed" to see it for a great number of people or a collective community of beings In other words, this is Bhuddha speaking as Bhuddha chooses, not Bhuddha speaking to start a religious orphilosophical sect or group, but Bhuddha speaking his mind and heart freely to share his truest and deepest convictions on life. No words were truer spoken Published by Rodaian Press. Paperback. 48 pages. Namast.

Book Details

Book Name The Nepal Discourses
Author John Henry Morel
Publisher Rodaian Press (Mar 2009)
ISBN 9781935436751
Pages 48
Language English
Price 473

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