The Biographical Scripture Of King Aeoka

This biographical text relates how King AEoka unified India for the first time in the third century BCE and, after his conversion, sent emissaries throughout his kingdom to spread Buhddhism.



Figuras destacadas que han protagonizado los hechos mas importantes de la historia estan retratados en estos bellos volumenes economicos. Tan fascinante como los hechos que les hicieron famosos, estas...


Awakening And Insight: Zen Buddhism And Psychotherapy

The intersection of East and West is a vital one on many levels. The efforts to integrate Buddhism and its therapeutic ancestors to the Western ideas of Jungian Psychology have been particularly fruit...


The Awakening Of Faith

This reprint of the seminal translation by the late Dr. Yoshito S. Hakeda is a comprehensive summary of the essentials of Mahayana Buddhism. The translator's extensive commentary within the text illum...


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