Kensho: The Heart Of Zen

Kensho is the transformative glimpse of the true nature of all things. It is an experience so crucial in Zen practice that it is sometimes compared to finding an inexhaustible treasure because it reve...


Returning To Silence: Zen Practice In Daily Life

For twenty-five hundred years Buddhism has taught that everyone is Buddha-already enlightened, lacking nothing. But still there is the question of how we can experience that truth in our lives. In thi...


Zen - Path Of Paradox

In "Zen: The Path of Paradox," Osho suggests Zen as a possible bridge between East and West, and between the scientific and the spiritual. "Without science," Osho said, "the East has lost much; withou...


Dream Conversations: On Buddhism And Zen

Dream Conversations is a collection of a renowned Japanese master's written replies to questions about the true nature of Zen. In short, simply worded teachings, Muso Kokushi (1275-1351), also kno...


Dzog Chen And Zen

In this text, from a lecture originally given in 1981, Norbu discusses the relationship between Zen Buddhism and the various forms of Buddhism that developed in Tibet. (World Religions) In this tex...


To Meet The Real Dragon

Buddhist masters of the past have explained the relationship between Buddhist theory and the Truth by way of a simple metaphor. The Truth, they say, is like the distant moon. Ideas, theories, and expl...


Enlightenment Unfolds

Enlightenment Unfolds is a sequel to Kaz Tanahashi's previous collection, Moon in a Dewdrop, which has become a primary source on Dogen for Western Zen students. Dogen Zenji (1200-1253) is unquestiona...


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