Book Summary
This book provides extensive information pertaining to the origin, development, work, and growth of The CHURCH OF CHRIST (HOLINESS) of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. For member students, it equips them with knowledge of the Church's doctrinal position, thereby encouraging support and graceful pride in the Church. For others, it offers in-depth knowledge of who we are, what we are about, and how God has enabled us to make a positive contribution to society. Beginning with the history of the "movement" before its development into a denomination and tracing the life and work of the founder, this work points out our heritage and the Scriptural basis of what we believe and teach. Historically, we have included hinders and detours along the way in order to give the true and accurate picture of things to avoid in the future, as well as, the progress we have made. Strong emphasis is placed on the spirit of evangelism which was an integral part of our movement from the beginning. The songs of Bishop C.P. Jones, our Founder, and the unique place the music of COCHUSA holds in the realm of Christianity offer exciting features to this presentation
Book Details
Book Name | Moving Forward On God's Highway: A Textbook History Of The Church Of Christ (Holiness) U. S. A. |
Author | Willenham Castilla |
Publisher | Authorhouse (Dec 2007) |
ISBN | 9781425999162 |
Pages | 292 |
Language | English |
Price | 1344 |