The Life Of Hinduism
"Hawley and Narayanan have shaped the presentation of this volume in an elegant, graceful way; the framework is brilliant, original, and compelling. These articles are very accessible, informative, di...
"Hawley and Narayanan have shaped the presentation of this volume in an elegant, graceful way; the framework is brilliant, original, and compelling. These articles are very accessible, informative, di...
"In her Bringing "The Gods to Mind Laurie Patton employs a rich mixture of theoretical insights to tease out the functions and meanings of the Vedic mantras within their ritual settings. With a deep u...
Stories about Posts is the magnum opus of Madeleine Biardeau, one of the most influential Indologists of the twentieth century. Nearly twenty years in the making, it connects her varied studies on the...
Purchase Books Similar To Svetasvataropanisad: The Knowledge That Liberates The Hidden Wisdom Of The... by Devadatta Kali Rs. 295 Rs. 280 The Hidden Wisdom Of The... by Devadatta Kali Rs. 49...
The philosophy of Yoga tells us that the root cause of our sorrows and suffering is loss of contact with our true Self. Our recovery is only possible by reestablishing contact with our innermost Self,...
Customers Who Liked "Concise Ramayana Valmiki" Also Liked: The Supreme Yoga (Set 2 Vols.... by Swami Venkatesananda Rs. 500 Rs. 400 Vasisthas Yoga by Venkatesananda Rs. 1700 Rs. 1292
The town of Deopatan, three kilometers northeast of Kathmandu, is above all famous for its main sanctum, the temple of Pa'supati, the "lord of the animals," a form of 'Siva and the tutelary deity of t...
India's folklore and classical literature abound with stories of parents who sacrifice their children. In The Hungry God, David Shulman examines one set of such tales - Hindu texts that bear similarit...
This close look at the business of religion concerns Hindutva, the current Hindu nationalist movement, and its historical antecedents. Mckean shows how gurus are key players in popularizing militant a...
The preeminent scholar of comparative studies of Indo-European society, Georges Dum
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