Book Summary
There has always been an ongoing dispute between the realists and the idealists as to what is ultimate and fundamental. The realists see matter as absolute, whereas the idealists see mind as absolute. Swami Vivekananda sees both mind and matter as aspects of a larger reality. The human soul is not separate from other souls, but is an expression of one singular, spiritual Ocean out of which the whole of creation arises. Our problem is that we are clinging to the waves rather than opening out and resting in the Ocean or Source Itself. This is all explained in the ancient Sankhyan model of perception and evolution, which Swami Vivekananda empowers with the philosophy of non-dualism. Among other things, Vivekananda puts the traditional Sankhyan idea of the gunas into a familiar psychological context: tamas being attraction, rajas being aversion, and sattva being balance. Almost a century earlier, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, the German philosopher framed this dynamic as thesis or status quo (tamas), antithesis or breaking free, (rajas), and synthesis or ongoing levels of integration (sattva). In light of Swami Vivekananda's message, the Vedic position gives this process a higher evolutionary direction, that direction being an experience of a spiritual Reality that is omnipresent and ever-free.
Book Details
Book Name | Seeing Beyond The Circle |
Author | Swami Brahmavidyananda, Swami /. Brahmavidyananda Vivekananda, Vivekananda Swami Vivekananda |
Publisher | Temple Universal Publishing (Nov 2005) |
ISBN | 9780977483006 |
Pages | 312 |
Language | English |
Price | 701 |