Contemporary Jewries: Convergence And Divergence Contemporary Jewries: Convergence And Divergence

Book Summary

This is a book about "Klal Yisrael, the worldwide commonwealth of the Jewish people. The main question asked, is whether one can still speak of 'one' Jewish people, encompassing all Jews in the world. The Jewish collective identity stands at new crossroads of multicultural ideologies and transnational diasporism. Jewry is experiencing an existential problem in today's changing society, shifting between convergence and unity on the one hand and divergence and division on the other hand. Quo vadis, O Jewish people? Rather than fully answering this question, researchers from Israel, the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Ukraine, Russia, France and Belgium try to open up the discussion in this book.

Book Details

Book Name Contemporary Jewries: Convergence And Divergence Contemporary Jewries: Convergence And Divergence
Author Eliezer Ben-rafael, Y. Gorny, Y. Ro'i
Publisher Brill Academic Publishers (Jan 2003)
ISBN 9789004129504
Pages 406
Language English
Price 4103

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