Judaism And Anthroposophy

Book Summary

Librarian Fred Paddock of the Rudolf Steiner Library initiated this book, because he had long felt the need to make available some of the cutting-edge writings of European anthroposophists. Judaism and Anthroposophy examines the relationship between anthroposophy and religion, between Christian and Jewish esotericism, and between Kabbalah and anthroposophy. It also focuses on Jewish lives in anthroposophy, including those of Martin Buber, Hugo Bergman, Shimon Levy, and Ernst Mller. Also, three leading anthroposophic thinkers explore the question of anti-Semitism. This is an important contribution to the understanding of anthroposophy and its historical and contemporary interface with Judaism. THE CONTRIBUTORS: Johannes Schneider: "Christianity and Other Religions" Gnther Rschert: "On Judaism" Ruth Windolf: "The Hebrew Experience of Reality as Contrasted with the Greek" Schmuel Hugo Bergman: "The Blessing" Shimon Levy: "What Is the Contribution of Judaism to the Life of Anthroposophy?" Rolf Umbach: "The Kabbalah, an Esoteric Bridge to Christianity?" David Schweitzer: "Spiritual Background: The Cosmic Christ in Judaism" Hans Jrgen Bracker: "The Individual and Unity of Humankind-An Account of the Zionist and Anthroposophist Ernst Mller" Gerhard Wehr: "Between Martin Buber and Rudolf Steiner: Hugo Bergman in Martin Buber's Biography" Rudi Lissau: "Chosen Destiny" Samuel Ichmann: "What God Is-or Isn't: A Jewish Waldorf Teacher's View" Ralf Sonnenberg: "The Dark Side of the Enlightenment-The Eighteenth Century, changing Perception of the World, and Anti-Semitism in the Early Modern Age Jnos Darvas: "Franois Joseph Molitor's Philosophy of History-Judaism As the Miniature Reflection ofHumanity" Dirk Lorenz: "Against a Return to Normality-Accusations of Anti-Semitism As an Occasion for Self-Examination"

Book Details

Book Name Judaism And Anthroposophy
Author Fred Paddock, F. Paddock, M. Spiegler
Publisher Steiner Books (Sep 2003)
ISBN 9780880105101
Pages 188
Language English
Price 911

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