Judaism And Justice: The Jewish Passion To Repair The World

Book Summary

Why is it that Jews are so involved in causes dedicated to justice, equality, human rights and peace? Are these trends influenced by religion, history, sociology or something else? This groundbreaking volume sheds light on the relationship between Judaism, social justice and the Jewish identity of American Jews. It traces how the idea of justice, as developed in the sacred texts of Judaism, conditions Jewish attitudes and behavior. In a fascinating portrayal of some of the major issues facing the Jewish community in the last fifty years, it explores a community torn between its instincts for self-preservation and its desire to serve as an ethical "light to the nations." This powerful and empowering book will provide you with a starting point for meaningful engagement???and a new way to understand Jewish identity.

Book Details

Book Name Judaism And Justice: The Jewish Passion To Repair The World
Author Sidney Schwarz, Ruth Messinger
Publisher Jewish Lights Publishing (Jan 2008)
ISBN 9781580233538
Pages 312
Language English
Price 728

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