Martin Buber Reader

Book Summary

There is no adequate understanding of contemporary Jewish and Christian theology without reference to Martin Buber. Buber wrote numerous books during his lifetime (1878-1965) and is best known for "I and Thou" and "Good and Evil." Buber has influenced important Protestant theologians like Karl Barth, Emil Brunner, Paul Tillich, and Reinhold Niebuhr. His appeal is vast--not only is he renowned for his translations of the Hebrew Bible but also for his interpretation of Hasidism, his role in Zionism, and his writings in psychotherapy and political philosophy.In addition to a general introduction, each chapter is individually introduced, illuminating the historical and philosophical context of the readings. Footnotes explain difficult concepts, providing the reader with necessary references, plus a selective bibliography and subject index.

Book Details

Book Name Martin Buber Reader
Author Asher Biemann, Martin Buber
Publisher Palgrave Macmillan (Sep 2002)
ISBN 9780312240516
Pages 288
Language English
Price 4959

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