Talmud Jmmanue

Book Summary

Jerusalem, 1963 ? A Greek Catholic priest, Isa Rashid, discovers a small cave in the slope of a nearby hill. His Swiss friend, ?Billy? Eduard Albert Meier, removes the rubble partially obscuring the entryway, crawls inside, and exhumes a set of ancient scrolls wrapped in animal skin and encased in a dry, crumbly resin. Upon their examination, faded yet fully legible pages of Aramaic text reveal a 2000-year-old biographical narrative of a man named Jmmanuel who devoted his life to teaching about the true nature of the universe, the immortality of the human spirit through reincarnation, and a way of life that is liberating and free from the illogical constraints of human greed and lust for power.Having translated 36 chapters of the scrolls from Aramaic to German, Isa Rashid ultimately paid with his life when he and his family were assassinated by the powers that be, but not before 36 chapters were sent to his friend in Switzerland who then assembled the text into the form presented in this book.

Book Details

Book Name Talmud Jmmanue
Author Billy Meier
Publisher Steelmark (Jul 2007)
ISBN 9780971152335
Pages 304
Language English
Price 909

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