The Case For Jewish Peoplehood: Can We Be One?

Book Summary

The key to strong Jewish continuity is a shared identity characterized by joint assumptions, certain expressions, and a host of familial-like behaviors that unite an otherwise disparate group of people. But how do we get a Jewish community splintered by factionalism and ideological divides to feel collectively attached to each other as part of a global family? And, how do we do this without sacrificing the universal concerns that extend far beyond communal boundaries? This clarion call to Jewish community explores the purpose, possibilities, and limitations of peoplehood as a unifying concept of community for a people struggling profoundly with Jewish identity. It defines what peoplehood isand is notand explores both collective and personal Jewish identity and the nature of identity construction. Drawing on history, sacred texts and contemporary scholarship, it identifies some of the obstacles that challenge a shared notion of peoplehood: the personal choices, construct of membership and boundaries, growth of Jewish illiteracy, identity fragmentation between Israeli and Diaspora Jewry, and the generational divide affecting traditionalists, baby boomers, and Generations X and Y. It also establishes a vision forward and provides practical guidance and recommendations for getting there.

Book Details

Book Name The Case For Jewish Peoplehood: Can We Be One?
Author Erica Brown, Misha Galperin, Joseph Telushkin
Publisher Jewish Lights Publishing (Mar 2009)
ISBN 9781580234016
Pages 189
Language English
Price 801

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