The Messiah Idea In Jewish History

Book Summary

The publisher of this book utilises modern printing technologies as well as photocopying processes for reprinting and preserving rare works of literature that are out-of-print or on the verge of becoming lost. This book is one such reprint. General Books publication date: 2009 Original publication date: 1906 Original Publisher: The Jewish Publication Society of America Subjects: Messiah Messianic era (Judaism) Jews Notes: This is a black and white OCR reprint of the original. It has no illustrations and there may be typos or missing text. When you buy the General Books edition of this book you get free trial access to where you can select from more than a million books for free. Excerpt: CHAPTER II The Second Commonwealth Return from Babylon -- Great Change in the Character of the Nation -- The Scribe rises to Power -- Ezra and Nehemiah strengthen the Observance of the Law -- Malachi introduces the Figure of Elijah in the Messianic Conception -- Observance of the Law a Condition of the Messianic Hope -- Belief in the Resurrection thus made more Prominent -- Individual Responsibility and Importance stimulated -- Rise of Apocryphal and Apocalyptic Literature -- Ben Sira -- The Book of Tobit -- Judah Maccabee not recognized as the Messiah -- The Book of Daniel -- The Ethiopic Book of Enoch -- Notion of Two Worlds, the Present and the Future -- Apocalypse of the Twelve Patriarchs -- The Third Sybilline Book -- An Exalted Picture of the Reign of the Messiah -- The Psalms of Solomon -- The Person of the Messiah placed in Sharpest Relief -- The Similitudes -- Philo and the Messianic Era -- The Unscrupulous Rule of the Roman Procurators intensifies the Hope for Redemption -- John the Baptist -- The Messiahship of Jesus -- "The Suffering Messiah" of the Early Christians. One of the most important, and, at the same time, the most obscure periods in Jewish history, is that immediately following upon the return from Babylon. Though we can judge of the tremendous importance ofthe period from the marks it has left on history, we meet with disappointment when we resort to contemporary documents for the study of the conditions prevailing during those two centuries. We must content oursel...

Book Details

Book Name The Messiah Idea In Jewish History
Author Julius Hillel Greenstone
Publisher General Books (Dec 2009)
ISBN 9781150167812
Pages 122
Language English
Price 756

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