Thelordismyshepherd. Com: Seeking God In Cyberspace

Book Summary

A new and necessary dialogue on cyberspace is opened with this volume, that is geared to change readers' thinking about their computers, God, the future, and the interconnected destiny of humanity. opens a new and necessary dialogue on the soul of cyberspace. It will change the way people think about their computers, about God, about the future and about the interconnected destiny of humanity in this ever-shrinking world. The author, a noted rabbi and journalist, alternates between analytic and experiential approaches to the subject, escorting the reader on a multi-dimensional quest for spiritual and intellectual growth - a "virtual pilgrimage" if you will. A pilgrimage that travels tens of thousands of miles in a matters of instants, from Jerusalem to Mecca, to Chartres, even to Kosovo, and provides a new means of utilizing the vast power of technology to connect us to God and to transcend the artificial boundaries that separate us.

Book Details

Book Name Thelordismyshepherd. Com: Seeking God In Cyberspace
Author Joshua Hammerman
Publisher Simcha Press (Sep 2000)
ISBN 9781558748217
Pages 175
Language English
Price 888

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