Ethiopia: A Generation And Its Heritage

Book Summary

Ethiopia: The Generation and its Heritage is a continuation of his past approach in critically probing Ethiopia's history. In doing so, Tesfaye undertakes an essential examination of the roots of ethnic political movements in Ethiopia. In order to expose its treacherous and destructive ideology, he goes back to ancient history before returning to the modern intricate political game of separatist movements. In his exposition to the issue, he projects an unusual frankness, narrating the particulars of ethnic political machinations as they represent themselves in the fabric of Ethiopian society. Tesfaye engages and sheds much needed light on sensitive political issues considered taboo, exposing the historical root of today's ethnic politics in Ethiopia. He demonstrates where and how the 'Oromo and Tigray-Tigrinya' movements emerged in Ethiopia's history - the emergence of a Tigray-Tigrinya racist ethnic movement after the death of Emperor Yohannes Ethiopia in 1889 which brought about the collapse of the Tigray ruling class. This ruling class is the founding father of the modern secessionist movement which is ruling Ethiopia today and one which gave the letter of independence to Eritrea. The Eritrean Peoples Liberation Front and the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front are one and the same. Tesfaye reveals the goal of these two twin extreme ethnic movements; the creation of a Tigray-Tigrinya independent state. Armed with historical facts, Tesfaye contends that the first goal of this project has been fulfilled by the creation of Eritrea with the Tigray separatist movement in power ultimately plotting towards the separation of all nationalities in Ethiopia. Delving through the past 130 years of Ethiopian history, the inception of the banda ruling class of Tigray-Tigrinya, how this class stood with colonial Italy and fought against Ethiopia is scrutinized. In doing so, Tesfaye illuminates the ethnic and ideological connections across time, aptly establishing the ethnic ideology of the so called Oromo Liberation Front as the grandchild of slave traders in Ethiopia's history. Tigray-Tigrinya and the OLF ethnic chauvinistic movements are modern Ethiopia's arch enemies. They are out to destroy the foundation of the Ethiopian state from its core. To achieve this, they are working hand in glove with the Arab enemies of Ethiopia, lead by Egypt. Unless the Ethiopian people are able to get organized and reclaim their countries' future in their hands, the disintegration of Ethiopia is imminent.

Book Details

Book Name Ethiopia: A Generation And Its Heritage
Author Tesfaye Mekonnen
Publisher Adonis & Abbey Publishers (Dec 2009)
ISBN 9781906704629
Pages 176
Language Amharic
Price 1813

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