Paradise Lost

Book Summary

The misconceptions that some have about political parties and their followers is astounding. One must understand that all countries are controlled by political parties (most of them are elected into office and some usurp their power (dictators)) who subscribe to an economic design which they feel will benefit the country (or themselves). It doesn't matter what name they call themselves, its the basic economic philosophy that they support that is important. This book is filled with information that has already been published in one form or another but it is designed to presented in a historical manner of how man has (in the beginning) escape slavery (serfdom) to enter the realm of slavery again under the guise of Socialism. This march toward slavery is relentless.

Book Details

Book Name Paradise Lost
Author Robert Gates
Publisher Elderberry Press (or) (Sep 2008)
ISBN 9781934956069
Pages 300
Language English
Price 746

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