
The Rattle And Hiss Of The Tin Gods

Book Summary

The Rattle and Hiss of the Tin gods compares the basic tenets of humanism and Christianity, and documents the impact secular humanistic thought has had on all aspects of American life, from movies to politics. It raises the question: "What role, if any, does Christianity play in solving our social problems?" The book also forces the reader to view the drama being played out in the media and the political arena on the issue of separation of church and state in a more thoughtful way. Although these questions are answered in every chapter of the book, they are best explained when the focus is on the issue of political Christians. The author's views are presented in a straightforward manner even as she counters the one-sided view that the media has taken over the years, belittling a way of life, principles, and values that so many Americans hold.

Book Details

Book Name The Rattle And Hiss Of The Tin Gods
Author Evelyn L. Damore
Publisher Writers Club Press (May 2002)
ISBN 9780595228447
Pages 268
Language English
Price 925

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