A La Source De La Lumiere (Where There Is Light) : Pensees De Sagesse Et D'Inspiration Pour Eclairer Votre Chemin Dans AA Vie

Book Summary

A unique handbook of insight and inspiration for daily life, Where There Is Light, offers spiritual insights drawn from the writings and lectures of renowned mystic Paramahansa Yogananda author of the spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi. A world teacher who brought the ancient science of yoga meditation to the West in 1920, he dedicated his life to uniting East and West in the lasting ties of spiritual understanding, and to helping others towards realization of the infinite sources of peace, love, and joy that exist within every human being. This warmly engaging anthology contains but a small sample of his teachings. The diverse flavor of its contents reflects the wide spectrum of sources from which they are drawn: Some passages are taken from public lectures or classes; others come from informal talks to small groups of disciples and friends; additional selections are from his writings.

Book Details

Book Name A La Source De La Lumiere (Where There Is Light) : Pensees De Sagesse Et D'Inspiration Pour Eclairer Votre Chemin Dans AA Vie
Author Paramahansa Yogananda
Publisher Self-realization Fellowship Publishers (May 2010)
ISBN 9780876120170
Pages 238
Language French
Price 544

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