Israel's Holocaust And Resurrection

Book Summary

Only one of its kind: Devotionals for Holocaust-proofing by Resurrection Power. Is there a connection between today's startling rise of terrorism, natural calamities, violence, wars, and the Holocaust? This book plainly says there is. If you ask why a good God lets bad things happen, you'll see how God is powerful enough and loving enough to bring forth the best for his family out of their worst experiences. Israel, through her Holocaust, is revealed as God's linchpin for all nations. This book details God's relationship plan for Christians, for the church, for Israel, and for Messianic (or "Completed") Jews. Its thesis is direct and simple: we can walk together in love where none have walked before. A mindset that can handle the Holocaust from God's perspective will sustain us through inevitable dark times ahead, ushering us into a fresh, reassuring, and eternal joy of God's everlasting kingdom on earth. Pelham Gross grew up on the family farm and studied at Mississippi State ('51) and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary ('55). He was filled with the Spirit in 1962 and served as a pastor, prophet, and teacher in one of the first non-denominational Spirit-filled movements. He helped lead a church into racial reconciliation during the sixties in Memphis, Tennessee. Pelham and wife DeDe are caught up in an ongoing Israel-experience with God that has already filled two books, this one being the third. They worshipped and studied for three years at The International House of Prayer Kansas City under Mike Bickle, and took classes under Messianic Rabbi Jerry Feldman. They stand with Messianics in Israel through Dr. Daniel Juster and Tikkun Ministries International. They now live in Boonville, Missouri and share revelation on, [email protected].

Book Details

Book Name Israel's Holocaust And Resurrection
Author Thomas Pelham Gross
Publisher Xulon Press (May 2009)
ISBN 9781607917274
Pages 236
Language English
Price 582

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