My All In All: Daily Assurance Of God's Grace

Book Summary

Morgan's 366-day devotional looks at the magnitude and frequency of the word "all" in Scripture as a testament to God's infinite grace, purposes, and power. " All "things work together . . . Come to me, "all "who are weary . . . Trust in the Lord with "all "your heart . . . The hairs of your head have "all "been counted . . . Mercy shall follow me "all "the days of my life. Despite decades of preaching experience, it was just a few years ago that best-selling author Robert J. Morgan ("Then Sings My Soul") began to note the magnitude and frequent use of the word "all" in the Bible. Upon closer inspection, it appears to amplify many of God's greatest truths, commands, and promises nearly six thousand times, proving itself to be what Morgan calls "the largest little word in the world." "My All in All "is the fruit of his unique study, a 365-day devotional that will assure readers of God's purposes, power, and grace time and again.

Book Details

Book Name My All In All: Daily Assurance Of God's Grace
Author Robert J. Morgan
Publisher B&h Publishing Group (Oct 2008)
ISBN 9780805446630
Pages 374
Language English
Price 728

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