Radha Soami - History Of Gurus

Swami Shiv Dayal ji -

Swami Shiv Dayal Ji

Swami Shiv Dayal Singh, popularly known as Soamiji Maharaj, was somewhat of a mystic. He imagined the human soul to be Radha, whose goal is its merger with her Soami, the eternal reality, hence the name Radha Soami. This is somewhat in keeping with the Vaishnav tradition, which too lays emphasis on vegetarianism and refraining from alcohol.

Soamiji Maharaj was not much in favor of spreading his thoughts or woo disciples to his fold. In fact, he ruled out systematic advertisements for his newly founded satsang in Agra. He used to insist that anyone who chose to follow him must give up non-vegetarian food, abstain from alcohol, lead a high moral life and engage in over two hours of shabd yoga meditation. 

Baba Jaimal Singh Ji -

Baba Jaimal Singh Ji Maharaj

Baba Jaimal Singh ji was born in village Lath Ghuman near Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur, Punjab, India, in July, 1839. His father was Sardar Jodh Singh ji and mother was Sardarni Daya Kaur ji. She was a devotee of Bhakt Naamdev ji, and Baba ji started visiting him at the age of four.

At the age of five he started his education with Baba Khem Singh ji, a Vedanti sage. Within two years he became a good reader of Guru Granth Sahib and read Dasam Granth also.

At the age of 12-13 years he again started studying Guru Granth Sahib at home and came to the realization that this holy book rejects Praanayaam, Vairagya, Hathyog, Jap-tap, places of pilgrimage, fasting and rituals. He reached the conclusion that a perfect Master, a Satguru who practices 'Anhad Shabad' is needed to realize God. He started the search for a Perfect Master per the description in Guru Granth Sahib. In Swami ji of Agra, he found the Perfect Master, and was initiated by him 1856.

Swami ji ordered Baba Jaimal Singh ji to start initiating devotees in Punjab, in Oct 1877. Swami ji advised him not to interfere with the religious choice of a devotee. Then Swami ji took off his own turban and handed it over to Baba ji and permitted him to depart. This was their last meeting.

Baba Jaimal Singh ji retired from the Army on June 7, 1889 and started living in his village, and later built a hut in village Bal Saran at the bank of river Beas, Punjab, India, and started living there. Slowly number of devotees increased and one of his devotees donated three beeghas of land for Dera.

Once he went to Mari Pahar, a city in H.P., where he initiated Babu Sawan Singh ji the second Satguru of dera Beas.

Baba Jaimal Singh ji spent his whole life for in the service of Dera Beas and its devotees. He left his mortal body on Dec 29, 1903.

Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj -

Param Sant Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj

Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji, succeeded Babaji Maharaj after the latter's demise on 29th of December 1903. And he immediately got busy with the business of propagating the teachings of the Radhasoami movement, winning followers from as far as Europe, North America, Africa and Asia of course. His tenure saw immense progress in the fortunes of the Beas ashram. In His time, 1903-1948, the Dera made phenomenal progress in all its aspects. The Beas ashram grew both in fame and size, with its boundaries growing to several thousand square yards. Initially, on its properties were built a number of small rooms. This cluster later took shape of a huge colony of beautiful houses.

Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj  -

     Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj

Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj, appointed by Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj as his successor, spread the teachings ofSant Mat all over the world through three world tours and travel in India. To make mysticism understood by people in the West, he presented spirituality as a science, one that could be practiced as an experiment within the laboratory of human body.

He was a living example of a perfect human being. Full of love and compassion, he devoted his entire life to love of God and service to humanity. He demonstrated how it was possible to live a normal life in the world, attain spiritual enlightenment, and serve humanity. He devised an introspection diary for his initiates, a tool to help them analyze their lives in order to develop the qualities of nonviolence, truthfulness, purity, humility, and selfless service. During his mission, he initiated over 80,000 souls into the Mysteries of the Beyond.

The great spiritual Master devoted himself to promoting human unity and world peace. In 1956 he gave the inaugural address to the Ninth General Session of UNESCO held in New Delhi, India. His speech, “World Peace in the Atomic Age,” is a road map for obtaining and maintaining world peace. At this time, religious leaders would not even sit together on the same platform. Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj’s ability to unite people of different religions based on the commonality of all faiths resulted in his being unanimously elected President of World Fellowship of Religions Conferences held in 1957, 1960, 1965, and 1970. These conferences brought heads of different religions together in order to understand one another in a spirit of love and respect.

He founded Sawan Ashram in Delhi and in 1969 established Manav Kendra, a center to help people develop physically, mentally, and spiritually, while practicing service to humanity and the environment.

Sant Thakar Singh Ji Maharaj -

     Sant Thakar Singh Ji Maharaj

Sant Thakar Singh (March 26, 1929 - March 6, 2005) was a spiritual teacher in the Sant Mat lineage of contemporary saints. Initiated by Sant Kirpal Singh in 1965, he began work as a Satguru himself in 1976, following the passing of his beloved Master. Sant Thakar Singh distributed what he paraphrased from his own Master as, "a practical form of spirituality which is not connected to any particular religion, sect, or thought."

While he was born into Sikhism, and wore the traditional Sikh garb all his life, he gave up its traditional outer practices soon after initiation and devoted himself wholly to the inner, esoteric practice of listening to the Spiritual Sound Current, the Shabd, Naam, or Word manifestation of God as described in the world's major scriptures. Continuing his Master's emphasis on the unity of all religion, Sant Thakar Singh frequently referred to the Holy Bible when addressing Westerners, the Adi Granth, Ramayana and other Indian scriptures in India, and the Qur'an when addressing Muslim people. He gave thousands of talks in his 30 years as a Master, his message being one of transcendence of the material and devotion to God, the "unchangeable permanence behind all things".

Sant Baljit Singh Ji Maharaj -

    Sant Baljit Singh Ji Maharaj

"Step into the wide-open cosmos and start a new way of life. Lose yourself in the love of God And become enchanted with him. There is only one purpose in life. Once you absorb yourself in his love you will have no reason to leave his lap. The truth is within, not outside."

— Sant Baljit Singh


Posted By : Gaurab Kr Baruah on Jun 14, 2012


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